Cultivator Repair
If your cultivator isn’t performing, we have a list of symptoms to help you identify the problem. We also have suggested parts to choose from that are likely to get you up and running again, and some tips for your repair along the way. Before you consider costly servicing or replacing your cultivator, let us help you get it back up and running yourself.
Leaks gas
Reported 20% of the time
If your cultivator is leaking gas, you’re not alone, as this is one of the most common symptoms for cultivator owners. Refer to our troubleshooting and repair guide to help you accurately identify the problem and the best way to repair it. This is a general guide for your repair; for more detailed information on your model, refer to the owner’s manual.
Won't start
Reported 17% of the time
Check the ignition coil, fuel filter, cable, spark plug, and more, if your cultivator is not starting. Our symptom and repair guide can help you find the most appropriate part to replace to solve this common issue. If you need specific repair instructions related to your model, refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer.
Engine rotates but tines don't
Reported 10% of the time
If the engine in your cultivator rotates, but the tines do not, check the clutch, shaft, bearings, and gearbox. This is a common symptom and our repair guide can help you fix it the best way. This is a general guide for your repair; for more detailed information on your model, refer to the owner’s manual.
Hard to start
Reported 7% of the time
Check the spark plug, primer bulb, air filter, and carburetor if you find your cultivator is hard to start. Our repair and troubleshooting guide can help you figure the part that is causing your cultivator this common symptom, and the best way to fix it. If you need specific repair instructions related to your model, refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer.
Tines stall under load
Reported 5% of the time
If your cultivator tines stall under load, check the following parts: the cable, bearings, gearbox, clutch, and belt. Our symptom and repair guide can help you identify your exact problem and the best part to replace to fix it. Our repair information is a general guide to help you, but for more specific repair information related to your model, check your owner’s manual.
Vibrates excessively
Reported 4% of the time
If your cultivator is vibrating too much, check our symptom and repair guide for a list of parts we suggest checking and possibly replacing. Some of the parts include the drive shaft, tine shaft, bearings, engine mount, and pulley. Note: this is a general repair guide. Check the manual provided by your owner for more specific repair information related to your model.
Engine will idle but dies at full throttle
Reported 4% of the time
If your cultivator engine dies at full throttle but idles before dying, refer to our repair and symptom guide for help identifying the problem. Check the following parts: the fuel lines, fuel filter, carburetor, muffler, and air filter. Note: this is a general repair guide. Check the manual provided by your owner for more specific repair information related to your model.
Starter rope won't retract
Reported 3% of the time
If your cultivator starter rope will not retract, you will need to check the following parts: the housing, starter, recoil spring, rope, and pulley. For further help diagnosing your problem and replacing the appropriate part, refer to our repair guide. If you need specific repair instructions related to your model, refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer.
One tine or one side doesn't rotate
Reported 3% of the time
If one tine or one side of your cultivator is not rotating, check the pins, tines, and more. Our troubleshooting and repair guide can help you identify the problem, and the most appropriate part to replace. Check the manual related to your model for more specific repair instructions. Our instructions are a general guide.
Engine lacks power
Reported 2% of the time
If your cultivator engine lacks power, follow our repair and symptom guide to help you identify the problem and the most appropriate part to replace. Some of the parts include the gasket, cable, cylinder, and air filter. Note: this is a general repair guide. Check the manual provided by your owner for more specific repair information related to your model.
Starts but immediately dies
Reported 2% of the time
If your cultivator starts, but instantly dies, refer to our repair guide for help on identifying the problem and the right part to replace. This is a general guide for your repair; for more detailed information on your model, refer to the owner’s manual.
Starts, runs for a while, then dies
Reported 2% of the time
If your cultivator runs for a while then dies, check the following parts: the fuel filter, tank breather, cylinder, and spark plug. We will talk you through these parts and others, and explain why they might have failed. Check the manual related to your model for more specific repair instructions. Our instructions are a general guide.
Runs for a while then dies
Reported 2% of the time
If your cultivator runs for a while then dies, check the following parts: the fuel filter, tank breather, cylinder, and spark plug. We will talk you through these parts and others, and explain why they might have failed. Check the manual related to your model for more specific repair instructions. Our instructions are a general guide.
Only runs with the choke on
Reported 2% of the time
If your cultivator only runs with the choke on, check the carburetor. Our repair and troubleshooting guide can help you better understand what is causing the problem and how to fix it. Our repair information is a general guide to help you, but for more specific repair information related to your model, check your owner’s manual.
Blows black smoke from exhaust
Reported 1% of the time
If your cultivator blows blue or black smoke from the exhaust, check the air filter and carburetor for damage. This is a not a common symptom, but can easily be fixed if you follow our repair and troubleshooting guide. Check the manual related to your model for more specific repair instructions. Our instructions are a general guide.
Can't turn engine off
Reported 1% of the time
If your cultivator engine does not turn off, check the switch, cable, and ignition coil. Our repair guide can help you identify the problem your cultivator is experiencing and how to best repair it with our list of suggested parts. Our repair information is a general guide to help you, but for more specific repair information related to your model, check your owner’s manual.
Starter rope pulls freely or little resistance
Reported 1% of the time
If your cultivator starter rope is loose and has no tension, check the following parts: the connecting rod, starter, pulley, and cylinder. Our repair and symptom guide can help you find the appropriate part to replace to fix this problem. Note: this is a general repair guide. Check the manual provided by your owner for more specific repair information related to your model.
Engine RPM's surge up and down
Reported 1% of the time
If your cultivator engine RPMs surge up and down, refer to our repair and symptom guide to help you identify the problem with your engine and the most appropriate part(s) to replace. Check the manual related to your model for more specific repair instructions. Our instructions are a general guide.
Engine misfires
Reported 1% of the time
Check the valve, cylinder, ignition coil, and spark plug if the engine in your cultivator misfires. Follow our repair and symptom guide to help you identify the problem and the best way to fix it. If you need specific repair instructions related to your model, refer to the manual provided by the manufacturer.
Engine RPM's too high
Reported 1% of the time
If the engine on your cultivator has excessively high RPMs, check the following parts: the governor, carburetor, and the springs. Refer to our repair and troubleshooting guide for help. Our repair information is a general guide to help you, but for more specific repair information related to your model, check your owner’s manual.