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  2828324030 Bearing Flange

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Bearing Flange 2828324030

Part Number: 2828324030
Availability: Discontinued
Product Information
This is a genuine item that is supplied by the original equipment manufacturer for use with Skil circular saws. Unfortunately, over time components will wear out and may begin to fail eventually requiring a replacement. It is an identical replacement for a missing or a faulty bearing flange that was installed on a new unit, please make sure to check the diagrams of your model for the correct location and application of this hardware. Keep in mind this high-quality component is made of durable metal and is sold individually.
No Longer Available:

Unfortunately, this part isn't available any more at eReplacementParts. This could be because:

  • The manufacturer doesn't make this part any more
  • There are no substitute parts made by the manufacturer to replace this part
  • There is no longer any way for us to find this part and stock it in our warehouse

We would love to help you find the part you need, but our call center agents will, regrettably, be unable to assist you with tracking it down. However, you may still be able to locate the part you need by trying the following:

  • Using a search engine to type your part number and see if other retailers still have this part in stock
  • Visiting online stores such as eBay and finding sellers that have this part
  • Trying retailers and repair stores in your local area to see if they have the part in their inventory
  • Talking to a local repair technician, who may have the part you need, or may be able to repair your existing part
  • Reaching out to the manufacturer of your product to see what their recommendations are for replacing this part
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